Title: The Simple Side of Programmed DNA Self-Assembly
Speaker: Chengde Mao, Purdue University
Chengde Mao received his Bachelor’s Degree from the Peking University and the doctor degree from the New York University. From 1999 to 2000 and 2001 to 2002, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the New York University and Harvard University. From 2002 to 2012, he was an Assistant Professor at the Purdue University and currently is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry. His main research interests are programmed self-assembly of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and DNA nanotechnology. Current research topics in his group include DNA/RNA self-assembly, Structural determination of biomacromolecules, DNA-directed guest self-assembly, DNA-based molecular lithography, DNA nanomachines, DNA-based nanomedicines, and Interrogation of basic biological processes/interactions related to spatial-temporal controls.
Title: Biologically Active Materials and Applications
Speaker: Mingyong Han, Tianjin University
Biography: Ming-Yong worked with IBM and Indiana University followed by National University of Singapore as a faculty member before his current appointments with Tianjin University and Institute of Materials Research and Engineering. His research addresses problems at the interfaces of nanoscience, nanotechnology, biotechnology and energy/biomedical applications. He has published >220 papers and filed >100 patents including national entries with >24,000 citations and >300 research highlights. He is the Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and the Web of Science Highly Cited researcher.
Title:Research Development of Intelligent Optimization and Scheduling
Speaker: Ling Wang, Tsinghua University
Biography: Ling Wang received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1995 and 1999, respectively, and now is a tenured Full Professor in Tsinghua Univ. His research interests mainly include intelligent optimization, scheduling and applications. He has authored 5 academic books and more than 230 SCI-indexed papers. His publications have attracted over 20K Google Scholar Citations. He is the Editor-in-Chief of International J of Automation and Control, Complex System Modeling and Simulation, the Associate Editor of IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation, Expert Systems with Applications, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Sensors, and the Editorial Board Member of Memetic Computing, Sensors, Control Theory & Applications, Control and Decision, Control Engineering, System Engineering and Electronics, etc.
Title:Scalable learning and inference in Markov logic networks
Speaker:Wensheng Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Biography: Wensheng Zhang is currently a Professor and Vice Chief Engineer at Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA). He is also a Chief Professor in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on artificial intelligence, statistical machine learning, intelligence analysis for big data and video/image understanding. He is a member of the General Expert Group of National Key R&D Program of China on “Cloud Computing and Big Data”, and also a member of the General Expert Group of National Key R&D Program of China on “Internet of Things and Smart City”. He is now an Expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and the Review Expert of National Science and Technology Awards. He is also the Vice Director of the Internet of Things Work Committee in China Instrument and Control Society (CIS), Vice Chairman of the Special Committee on Intelligent Service in the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) and Vice Chairman of the Special Committee on Intelligent Control in Chinese Association of Automation (CAA).
Title:The Not So Short Introduction to Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
Speaker: Rui Wang, National University of Defense Technology
Biography: Rui Wang received his Bachelor’s degree from the National University of Defense Technology, P.R. China in 2008, and the Doctor degree from the University of Sheffield, U.K in 2013. Currently, he is with the College of Systems Engineering, National University of Defense Technology and is the vice director of the Hunan Key Laboratory of Multi-Energy System Intelligent Interconnection Technology. His current research interest includes evolutionary computation, multi-objective optimization and the development of algorithms applicable in practice. Dr. Wang received the Operational Research Society Ph.D. Prize at 2016, and the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars at 2021. He is also an Associate Editor (or Guest Editor) for the Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Information Sciences, IEEE Trans on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, the IJAAC, IJBIC, CSMS.